Title: Postdoctoral Researcher
Country/Region: USA
Period: 2019/01/01 ~ 2019/06/30
Theme: Towards fully resolving viscoelastic relaxation process following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
Host: Junichi FUKUDA
Introduction: My research focuses on integrating the Finite Element Method (FEM) models with geodetic constraints (e.g., GPS and InSAR) to explore the tectonophysical processes at different stages of the megathrust earthquake cycle. For the interseismic stage, I investigate the locking state along the megathrusts with the consideration of viscoelastic Earth; For the coseismic stage, I invert the fault slip and geometry that causing the surface deformation; For the postseismic stage, I explore the afterslip process along the fault interface as well as the mantle rheology at depth from the GPS time series. During my visit at ERI, I will collaborate with Dr. Junichi Fukuda on the postseismic deformation of the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake.
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Fiscal Year: 2018
Fiscal Year: 2018