
About ERI

ERI employs about 80 top-notch academics (professors, associate professors and research associates) drawn from diverse fields, ranging from seismology to volcanology, geophysics, geochemistry, geology, geodesy, applied mathematics, information science, civil engineering and seismic engineering. Together with a support staff of 50, 30 visiting researchers and 70 graduate students, we work on advanced researches, technique development, field observations, experiments, theoretical studies, analyses and computer simulations. We promote comprehensive research and education in order to achieve two goals. 1) Scientifically unraveling the various phenomena within the earth and seismic / volcanic activities on our planet, 2) Mitigation of disasters from such phenomena.


The ERI is composed of 4 divisions, 8 centers, and other supporting offices and sections.


Division of Theoretical Geoscience
This division engages in theoretical modeling researches based on basic principles of mathematics, physics, chemistry and geology to understand phenomena related to seismic and volcanic activities.
Division of Theoretical Geoscience

This division engages in theoretical modeling researches based on basic principles of mathematics, physics, chemistry and geology to understand phenomena related to seismic and volcanic activities.
Division of Theoretical Geoscience

Division of Monitoring Geoscience
This division engages in research through measurements and analyses of various physical quantities to understand seismic, volcanic and other activities of the Earth’s interior.
Division of Monitoring Geoscience

This division engages in research through measurements and analyses of various physical quantities to understand seismic, volcanic and other activities of the Earth’s interior.
Division of Monitoring Geoscience

Division of Earth and Planetary Materials Science
This division engages in research based on information about chemical and physical properties of materials to understand the processes that take place in the Earth and planetary interiors.
Division of Earth and Planetary Materials Science

This division engages in research based on information about chemical and physical properties of materials to understand the processes that take place in the Earth and planetary interiors.
Division of Earth and Planetary Materials Science

Division of Disaster Mitigation Science
This division engages in the investigation and prediction of strong ground motions and tsunamis caused by earthquakes. It also carries out basic studies aimed at mitigating disasters from such phenomena.
Division of Disaster Mitigation Science

This division engages in the investigation and prediction of strong ground motions and tsunamis caused by earthquakes. It also carries out basic studies aimed at mitigating disasters from such phenomena.
Division of Disaster Mitigation Science

Research Centers

Earthquake Prediction Research Center
This center carries out research projects for comprehensive understandings of earthquake phenomena and improvement of forecasting future earthquakes.
Earthquake Prediction Research Center

This center carries out research projects for comprehensive understandings of earthquake phenomena and improvement of forecasting future earthquakes.
Earthquake Prediction Research Center

Volcano Research Center
This center carries out studies on various phenomena to elucidate its elementary processes and fundamental principles, aimed to form the basis for volcanic eruption predictions.
Volcano Research Center

This center carries out studies on various phenomena to elucidate its elementary processes and fundamental principles, aimed to form the basis for volcanic eruption predictions.
Volcano Research Center

Ocean Hemisphere Research Center
This center studies the ocean hemisphere, which is an observational blind zone, by deploying unique instruments developed in-home. The goal of such observational studies is to elucidate the movements of the mantle and the core, which are the origins of various geological phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and its driving forces.
Ocean Hemisphere Research Center

This center studies the ocean hemisphere, which is an observational blind zone, by deploying unique instruments developed in-home. The goal of such observational studies is to elucidate the movements of the mantle and the core, which are the origins of various geological phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and its driving forces.
Ocean Hemisphere Research Center

Center for High Energy Geophysics Research
This center dedicates efforts to cosmic ray imaging of volcanoes, faults and global earth with high-energy particles such as muons and neutrinos.
Center for High Energy Geophysics Research

This center dedicates efforts to cosmic ray imaging of volcanoes, faults and global earth with high-energy particles such as muons and neutrinos.
Center for High Energy Geophysics Research

Research Center for Computational Earth Science (ceseri)
By development of new computational science methods and application to earth science, we conduct earthquake, tsunami, and disaster research using supercomputer systems.
Research Center for Computational Earth Science (ceseri)

By development of new computational science methods and application to earth science, we conduct earthquake, tsunami, and disaster research using supercomputer systems.
Research Center for Computational Earth Science (ceseri)

Collaboration Center for Earthquake and Volcano Research
This center is responsible for coordination and planning of national and international research projects on earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Coordination Center for Prediction Research of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions

This center is responsible for coordination and planning of national and international research projects on predictions of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Coordination Center for Prediction Research of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions

Research Center for Geophysical Observation and Instrumentation
This research center is responsible for maintenance, management utilization and support for observational, technical and analytical facilities and analytical instruments belonging to ERI. This center also engages in intensive researches based on geophysical observations on land and sea, developing new observational techniques and instrumentation.

Center for Geophysical Observation and Instrumentation

This research center is responsible for maintenance, management utilization and support for observational, technical and analytical facilities and analytical instruments belonging to ERI. This center also engages in intensive researches based on geophysical observations on land and sea, developing new observational techniques and instrumentation.
Center for Geophysical Observation and Instrumentation

Research Center for Monitoring Japan Arc
This center conduct research to understand global change and earthquake and volcanic activity based on various data and information obtained from a wide range of spatio-temporal surveys and monitoring over the Japan arc.

This center conduct research to understand global change and earthquake and volcanic activity based on various data and information obtained from a wide range of spatio-temporal surveys and monitoring over the Japan arc.
Earthquake and Volcano Information Center



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Technical Division

Laboratory for Technical Support Technical Supporting Section for Observational Research
This division provides technical support for observational and experimental research conducted by ERI.
Laboratory for Technical Support Technical Supporting Section for Observational Research

This division provides technical support for observational and experimental research conducted by ERI.
Laboratory for Technical Support Technical Supporting Section for Observational Research

Research and Education Support Offices

Education and Career Development Office
This office works to promote career development for junior researchers and education of graduate students.
Education and Career Development Office

This office works to promote career development for junior researchers and education of graduate students.
Education and Career Development Office

Outreach and Public Relations Office
This office works to publicize the results of seismic and volcanic researches and distributes them across the society.
Outreach and Public Relations Office

This office works to publicize the results of seismic and volcanic researches and distributes them across the society.
Outreach and Public Relations Office

International Research Promotion Office
This office is responsible for planning and coordinating international research projects related to seismic and volcanic activities.
International Research Promotion Office

This office is responsible for planning and coordinating international research projects related to seismic and volcanic activities.
International Research Promotion Office

Environment and Safety Management Office
This office is responsible for managing environment and safety during observation and research activities within the institute, at observatories and/or during fieldwork.
International Research Promotion Office

This office is responsible for managing environment and safety during observation and research activities within the institute, at observatories and/or during fieldwork.
Environment and Safety Management Office

Administration Division

General Affairs Team
General Affairs Section
Personnel Affairs Section

General Affairs SectionPersonnel Affairs Section Library
General Affairs Team

Research Support Team
Joint Usage Section
Research Cooperation Section

Joint Usage SectionResearch Cooperation Section
Research Support Team

Finance Team
Accounts Section
Property Management Section
Procurement Section

Accounts Section
Property Management Section
Procurement Section
Finance Team

Office Work Supporting Section for Researcher

Office Work Supporting Section for Researcher