The 1008th DANWAKAI(program)

(Danwakai: ERI Holds “Danwakai”, a monthly meeting where its members present their most recent academic and technical achievements, once a month on Friday of every month. Danwakai is open to the public.)

Date: Friday, 19 November  13:30-

Place:  Web Meeting (Zoom)

*URL and password will be provided by internal e-mail on November 19.


  1. 13:30-13:45

TITLE: Three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure beneath the back-arc side of the southern Tohoku region

AUTHOR: *Yoshiya USUI・Makoto UYESHIMA, Hideaki HASE(GERD)・

Hiroshi ICHIHARA(Nagoya University), Koki AIZAWA (Kyushu University),

Takao KOYAMA, Shin’ya SAKANAKA(Akita University), Tsutomu OGAWA,

Yusuke YAMAYA(AIST), Tadashi NISHITANI(Akita University),

Yasuo OGAWA(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Ryokei YOSHIMURA(Kyoto University), Shinichi TAKAKURA (AIST), Masaaki MISHINA (Tohoku University) and

Yuichi MORITA (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)

SUMMARY: We estimated 3-D electrical resistivity structure beneath the back-arc side of the southern Tohoku region. This presentation shows a preliminary result of the three-dimensional inversion analysis.

2. 13:45-14:00

TITLE: Progress report on seafloor surveys off Hyuga-Nada: Towards understanding the deformation & thermal filed affected by the seamount subduction

AUTHOR: *Masataka KINOSHITA・Rie NAKATA, Yoshitaka HASHIMOTO(Kochi Univ.),


SUMMARY: Pregress report on the new data obtained in the Hyuganada region (heat flow, core, seismic)

3. 14:00-14:15

TITLE: A geodetic determination of the gravitational potential difference toward a 100-km-scale clock frequency comparison in a plate subduction zone

AUTHOR: Yoshiyuki TANAKA (Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Univ. Tokyo) and *Yosuke AOKI
