University of Tokyo International Muography Research Organization has installed the world’s first undersea muographic array called HKMSDD (Hyper KiloMetric Submarine Deep Detector) in collaboration with University of Tokyo Institute for Industrial Science, University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, Kyushu University, University of Sheffield, Durham University, STFC Boulby Underground Laboratory, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, University of Salerno, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Atacama University, and Oulu University Kerttu Saalasti Institute. After 79 consecutive days of operation, June 1, 2021 to August 18, 2021, Tokyo-bay HKMSDD (TS-HKMSDD) successfully collected astronomical tide data for the purpose of evaluating accuracy.
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