ERI Holds “DANWAKAI”, a monthly meeting where its members present their most recent academic and technical achievements, once a month on Friday of every month. DANWAKAI is open to the public.
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Date: Friday, December 22, 2023 13:30~(JST)
Place: ERI Bldg.1, 2nd floor, Seminar Room1
Livestream Zoom Webinar
* The zoom URL and password required for participation will be provided on the day of the event to those who wish to attend.
1. 13:30-13:45
TITLE: Report on the results obtained from electromagnetic and seismic array observation in the Southern Tohoku and the Northern Kanto area, Japan
AUTHOR: *Makoto UYESHIMA・Yoshiya USUI・Takao KOYAMA・Takashi IIDAKA・Shin’ichi SAKAI・Aitaro KATO, Masahiro ICHIKI (Tohoku University), Shin’ya SAKANAKA (Akita University), Yusuke YAMAYA (AIST)
and Yasuo OGAWA (TITECH)
2. 13:45-14:00
TITLE: Observations of the Aftershock Sequences of Intermediate-depth Earthquakes Beneath Japan
AUTHOR: *Linda WARREN・Toshihiro IGARASHI and Aitaro KATO
SUMMARY: Most of the 207 intermediate-depth earthquakes with MJ≥5.7 that occurred beneath Japan from 1985-2021 were followed by observed aftershocks and 11% had enough aftershocks to characterize their temporal decay. The characterized aftershock sequences have much lower productivity than shallow aftershock sequences, have a temporal decay exponent p≈1, and last from ~40 days to >30 years.
3. 14:00-14:15
TITLE: Multiphase turbulent flow explains lightning rings in volcanic plumes
AUTHOR: *ICHIHARA Mie. (ERI),Pablo D. MININNI (U. Buenos Aires), S.RAVICHANDRAN (IIT Bombay), Corrado CIMARELLI (LMU Munich) and Chris VAGASKY (Vaisala Inc.)