ERI Holds “DANWAKAI”, a monthly meeting where its members present their most recent academic and technical achievements, once a month on Friday of every month. DANWAKAI is open to the public.
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Date: Friday, April 26, 2024 13:30~(JST)
Place: ERI Bldg.1, 2nd floor, Seminar Room1
Livestream Zoom Webinar
- The zoom URL and password required for participation will be provided on the day of the event to those who wish to attend.
1. 13:30-13:45
TITLE: Compilation of seismic activity in and around Kyoto over the past 400 years using historical documents
AUTHOR: *Yasuyuki KANO・Junzo OHMURA, Kiyomi IWAHASHI (Kokugakuin University), Harufumi TAMAZAWA (Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo) and Reizaburo KITAI (Ritsumeikan University)
2. 13:45-14:00
TITLE: Report on the project for proximal observation of volcanic crater to understand the generation of acoustic waves by bubble bursting during volcanic eruptions
AUTHOR: *Dan MURAMATSU・Mie ICHIHARA・Fukashi MAENO・Takao KOYAMA・Masaaki MORITA and Ryo TANAKA (Hokkaido University)
3. 14:00-14:15
TITLE: Carbon Materials Project
AUTHOR: *Takehiko HIRAGA・Nahyeon KIM and Akihiro TAKEUCHI
SUMMARY: We report our research progress in seismic imaging in Hyuga-Nada.