The 1043rd DANWAKAI(program)

ERI Holds “DANWAKAI”, a monthly meeting where its members present their most recent academic and technical achievements, once a month on Friday of every month. DANWAKAI is open to the public.

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    Date:  Friday, January17, 2025  13:30~(JST)

    Place: ERI Bldg.1, 2nd floor, Seminar Room1

       Livestream Zoom Webinar

* The zoom URL and password required for participation will be provided on the day of the event to those who wish to attend.

1. 13:30-13:45

TITLE: Segmented trapdoor fault in Kita-Ioto Submarine Caldera revealed with millimeter tsunami waveform record

AUTHOR: *Osamu SANDANBATA and Tatsuhiko SAITO (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)

SUMMARY: We detected 1–2 mm amplitude tsunami waves at DONET caused by two M~5 earthquakes near the Kita-Ioto Submarine Caldera, with which we revealed that rapid submarine caldera uplift repeatedly occurred due to trapdoor faulting that ruptured different intra-caldera fault segments; this work has been published in JGR Solid Earth (; see the summary at ERI’s website:

2. 13:45-14:00

TITLE: Emergence of self-organized criticality and phase transition in the Olami-Feder-Christensen earthquake model with a single defect

AUTHOR: *Tetsuto OTANI and Nobuki KAME

SUMMARY: We report on the conditions for the emergence of the Gutenberg-Richter law in a discrete earthquake model and newly discovered phase transitions; this work has been published in Physical Review E (

3. 14:00-14:15

TITLE: Muon observation in the Ishido fault borehole

AUTHOR: * Akimichi TAKETA, Katsuya YAMAZAKI (Chubu University), Takayuki TOMIDA (Shinshu University) and Daisuke IKEDA (Kanagawa University)

SUMMARY: Report about the current status of muon observation in the Ishido fault borehole
