Danwakai: ERI Holds “Danwakai”, a monthly meeting where its members present their most recent academic and technical achievements, once a month on Friday of every month. Danwakai is open to the public.
Please register in advance using the registration form for the seminar, as the zoom URL and password required for participation will be provided to those who wish to attend on the day of the DANWAKAI.
Please refrain from secondary distribution of the URL to be provided. Due to copyright issues, recording of the video and audio distributed is strictly prohibited.
Date: Friday June 17 13:30-
Place: Web Meeting (Zoom)
- The zoom URL and password required for participation will be provided on the day of the event to those who wish to attend.
- 13:30-13:45
TITLE: Effects of pore fluid pressure on extension and extension-shear mix-mode fractures
AUTHOR: *Hiroko KITAJIMA and Casey RUPLINGER (Texas A&M University) - 13:45-14:00
TITLE: Active Fault and Paleoeseismic studies from Central & NW Himalaya, India
AUTHOR: *Javed N. MALIK (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur) - 14:00-14:15
TITLE: Olivine morphology and fabric during diffusion creep: Pure shear experiments
AUTHOR: *Nahyeon KIM, Akihiro ANDO (DAIKIN), Kosuke YABE and Takehiko HIRAGA
SUMMARY: Relationship of olivine morphology and fabric during diffusion creep was studied by pure shear experiments.