Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
Country/Region: France
Period: 2018/07/4 ~ 2018/10/31
Theme: Tsunami Height and waveform inversion from TEC data - Integration of bathymetry and coastal reflection effects
Host: Shingo WATADA
Introduction: I was a post-doctoral fellow at Planetary and Space Sciences of Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) until June, 2018. My research interest is Ionospheric signals generated by small and large tsunamis, through the dynamic coupling of the tsunami with atmospheric gravity waves. Our recent research works have demonstrated that the tsunami height can be fairly well estimated by a Total Electron Content inversion using a normal modes modeling approach. As all physical processes in the atmospheric-ionospheric coupling are quasi- linear, this transfer function will be used to correct GNSS derived TEC data prior to their inversion for the tsunami waveform. We will conclude the project research by an extensive analysis of all GEONET GNSS data recorded during the Tohoku megathrust earthquake and tsunami occurred on March 11, 2011, and will explore the limits of the GNSS TEC tsunami height inversion for smaller recent events observed in Japan.
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Fiscal Year: 2018
Fiscal Year: 2018