2024/12/4 |
Segmented trapdoor fault in a submarine caldera revealed with milli-meter tsunami waveform record |
2024/10/30 |
Successive tsunamigenic events near Sofu Seamount inferred from high-frequency teleseismic P and regional T waves |
2024/2/26 |
Detectability analysis of very low frequency earthquakes: Methods and application in Nankai using F-net and DONET broadband seismometers |
2024/1/19 |
Largest aftershock nucleation driven by afterslip during the 2014 Iquique sequence |
2024/1/16 |
<strong>Quantifying magma overpressure beneath a submarine caldera: A mechanical modeling approach to tsunamigenic trapdoor faulting near Kita-Ioto Island, Japan</strong> |