Date publishedTitle
2019/11/8 Structural Characteristics of the Nankai Trough Shallow Plate Boundary Inferred From Shallow Very Low Frequency Earthquakes
2019/10/30 Muographic Observation System used for imaging a magmatic plug in Sakurajima volcano
2019/10/10 Possible slow slip event beneath the Kii Peninsula, southwest Japan, inferred from historical tilt records in 1973
2019/10/4 Seasonal Variations in Crustal Seismicity in San‐in District, Southwest Japan
2019/7/8 Robust Stress Drop Estimates of Potentially Induced Earthquakes in Oklahoma: Evaluation of Empirical Green's Function
2019/5/9 The 2015 Gorkha Earthquake: Earthquake Reflection Imaging of the Source Fault and Connecting Seismic Structure With Fault Slip Behavior
2019/3/18 Earthquake-induced prompt gravity signals identified in dense array data in Japan
2019/3/12 Stress change before and after the 2011 M9 Tohoku-oki earthquake
2019/3/6 Beyond Receiver Functions: Green's Function Estimation by Transdimensional Inversion and Its Application to OBS Data
2019/2/26 Gravity and Geoid Changes by the 2004 and 2012 Sumatra Earthquakes from Satellite Gravimetry and Ocean Altimetry
2019/2/19 Temporal variation in the resistivity structure of the first Nakadake crater, Aso volcano, Japan, during the magmatic eruptions from November 2014 to May 2015, as inferred by the ACTIVE electromagnetic monitoring system
2019/2/15 Source fault model of the 2018 Mw 5.6 northern Osaka earthquake, Japan, inferred from the aftershock sequence
2019/2/12 Geometrical dependence on the stress and slip tendency acting on the subduction megathrust of the Nankai seismogenic zone off Kumano
2019/1/9 A High-Resolution Underwater Gravity Measurement System aboard an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle