Awards/Press Release
Date publishedTitle
2018/12/20 Ye Lingling Received 2018 Keiiti Aki Young Scientist Award
2018/11/28 Paper by Researcher. Minami was press released from SGEPSS
2018/11/20 Associate Prof. Shimizu recieves "Earth, Planets and Space Excellent Paper Award(2017)"
2018/11/20 Associate Prof. Nishida selected as "2017 Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing"
2018/11/19 【PressRelease】Large scale simulation and AI related research was selected as Gordon Bell Prize Finalist
2018/6/22 Assistant Prof. Kaneko, Associate Prof.Maeno and Emeritus Prof.Nakada receives Paper Award from The Volcanological Society of Japan
2018/2/5 Research on Large-Scale Simulation awarded in HPC Asia 2018