金曜日セミナー:着任セミナー (2019年7月5日) 武村 俊介 氏 (観測開発基盤センター 助教)
Characteristics of seismic wave propagation within the 3D heterogeneous Earth: Numerical modeling and applications
Observed seismograms show complicated features due to heterogeneous structures along propagation path. Understating characteristics of seismic wave propagation is important for not only imaging subsurface structure but also constraining source characteristics. In this seminar, to discuss effects of subducting oceanic plate and low-velocity oceanic sediments on seismic wave propagation, I introduce (1) systematic difference between first-motion and waveform-inversion solutions for shallow offshore earthquakes and (2) CMT inversions of shallow very low-frequency earthquakes along the Nankai Trough. Both studies indicate that by using reliable 3D structure model, characteristics of seismic sources, even for events occurred at offshore regions, can be practically constrained.