
金曜日セミナー:着任セミナー (2019年6月7日) 坂田周平 氏 (物質科学系研究部門 助教)

Development of U-Th-Pb dating and elemental quantification technique for young zircon using LA-ICP-MS

The geochronological studies using a combination of U-Th-Pb decay series in zircon have been widely applied to understand the insights of the geological and geochemical formation sequence of the samples.  Among the analytical tool to measure in-situ U-Th-Pb isotopic ratio data, ICP mass spectrometry combined with laser ablation sampling technique (LA-ICP-MS technique) can become a viable and versatile analytical tool to revolutionize our understandings of various igneous processes.  We have improved the U-Th-Pb dating of young zircon samples using LA-ICP-MS in aspects of the analytical technique and principle of this method. With wide detector dynamic range achieved by this study, more precise age determination for young zircon (<0.1 Ma) becomes possible.  Furthermore, new correction technique for initial disequilibrium effect and non-radiogenic Pb also allows to obtain more accurate age information.

Quantitative analysis of elemental concentration in geochemical samples is also important application area of this method.  However, the highly-ionization capability of this method easily occurs multiple mass interference from isobaric, polyatomic and multi-charged ion.  In this presentation, to overcome these problems, we would like to demonstrate the effectiveness of coupling tandem quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-MS/MS) and collision/reaction cell (CRC) technique for in-situ analysis of zircons using laser ablation sample introduce technique.  With this technique, accurate and high-sensitive (ten times higher than conventional method) quantification of REEs in zircon can be achieved.  Several isotopes, which are difficult to monitor in normal LA-ICP-MS technique such as 31P, 45Sc, 48Ti, 204Pb, because of spectrum interferences, are also successfully measured.

In conclusion, present technique to obtain age and elemental information from young zircon becomes useful approach to understanding the high-temperature cooling history of magmas.


ジルコン鉱物のU-Th-Pb年代測定法は試料の地質学的・地球化学的形成過程を理解する目的で広く用いられる手法である。ジルコン試料からU-Th-Pb同位体組成を得る代表的な局所分析法の一つに、誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法とレーザーアブレーション試料導入法を組み合わせた手法(LA-ICP-MS)があり、様々な火成活動の過程を理解するための強力なツールとなっている。我々はこれまでLA-ICP-MSを用いた若いジルコン試料の年代測定法について分析技術と年代測定法の原理の両面から改良に取り組んできた。その結果、イオン検出器の入出力直線性を拡張することで技術的には0.1 Maを切るジルコン試料の年代測定が可能となり、鉱物形成時の初生非平衡効果と非放射壊変起源鉛の寄与に関する新しい補正法も導入することで、より精確な年代測定法を確立した。

