
金曜日セミナー:Anne Sheehan 12/05

Professor Anne Sheehan
Geological Sciences and CIRES, University of Colorado at Boulder

MOANA and HOBITSS Ocean Bottom Seismic Experiments: Information on Deep Structure, Anisotropy, and Slow Slip beneath New Zealand

日時/Date:2014年 12月 5日(金)16:00-17:00 Friday, December 5, 2014, 4:00-5:00pm 

場所/Place:地震研究所 2 号館 5階 第一会議室 Conference Room 1 (5th floor, Bldg. #2)

The Marine Observations of Anisotropy at Ataroa (MOANA) and
Hikarangi Ocean Bottom Investigation of Slow Slip (HOBITSS) are
two recent ocean bottom seismic experiments offshore New
Zealand. The MOANA experiment is focused on the South Island and
the transform plate boundary, with a large aperture (nearly 1000
km) and station spacing of 100 km. Data from the 30 broadband
OBS of MOANA have been used for studies of anisotropy, seismic
tomography, and earthquake studies, which will be reviewed in
this talk. The HOBITSS experiment is ongoing and is a
collaborative US-Japan-New Zealand project focused on the
Hikurangi subduction zone and megathrust of New Zealand’s
North Island, and includes both seismic and seafloor pressure
measurements to better constrain characteristics of slow slip.