Title: Coupling fault slip and pore pressure evolution in dynamic rupture and earthquake sequence models
Pore fluid pressure plays a crucial role in fluid-infiltrated fault strength evolution hence the source processes of earthquakes and episodic slow slip events. Pore pressure in the fault zone increases due to strong shear heating during rapid slip, leading to a thermal pressurization dynamic weakening effect which favors a larger extent of rupture propagation and higher amount of coseismic slip. On the other hand, accelerated slip rate within the fault zone of highly compacted granular materials can also lead to a dilatancy strengthening effect which temporally reduces pore pressure hence clamps the fault before pore pressure re-equilibrates with the ambient level. In this presentation, I will discuss numerical simulations that couple the pore fluid pressure and fault slip evolution in the framework of the laboratory-derived rate-state friction law, with applications to earthquake ruptures and slow slip sequences in subduction zones, oceanic transform faults, as well as the fluid-injection induced seismicity environments. In particular, strong dilatancy can effectively inhibit seismic slip in frictionally unstable (velocity-weakening) regions, resulting in aseismic slip transients which not only serve as a rupture barrier to magnitude 6 earthquakes but may also drive episodic seismic swarms as observed along the East Pacific Rise transform faults. Preliminary results from our dynamic rupture model, with application to the 2008 Wenchuan magnitude 7.9 earthquake, also indicate that 3D fault geometry has a first-order control of the general distribution of coseismic slip whereas thermal pressurization influences the quantitative comparison to the near-field peak ground motion and cumulative slip.