Announcement of the 1000th DANWAKAI
(Danwakai: ERI Holds “Danwakai”, a monthly meeting where its members present
their most recent academic and technical achievements, once a month on Friday
of every month. Danwakai is open to the public.)
Date: Friday, 19 February 13:30-
Place: Web Meeting (Zoom)
*If you would like to join in DANWAKAI, please contact to Joint Usage section
( We will inform you URL and password in advance.
1. 13:30-13:45
TITLE: Historical documents on Danwakai
AUTHOR: * Makoto YAMANO and Working Group for ERI centennial memorial publication
SUMMARY: We show some of the archived documents on Danwakai, which started
in 1926, including past meeting programs.
2. 13:45-14:00
TITLE: Dramatic change of the eruptive activity at Nishinoshima Volcano,
and Yoshihiko TAMURA (JAMSTEC)
SUMMARY: We will talk about the major changes in magma caused by the latest
eruption of Nishinoshima and the results of investigation by a research vessel.
3. 14:00-14:15
TITLE: Real-Time Tsunami Data Assimilation of S-net Pressure Gauge Records
during the 2016 Fukushima Earthquake
AUTHOR: * Yuchen WANG and Kenji SATAKE
SUMMARY: For the tsunami waveforms recorded at 28 S-net bottom pressure gauges
from 2016 off Fukusima earthquake, we used automatic tsunami detection algorithm
and data assimilation method to demonstrate that the tsunami waveforms at coastal
stations on Sanriku coast can be accurately forecasted before their arrivals.