


    日  時: 令和5年1月20日(金) 午後1時30分~ 
    開催方法: インターネット WEB会議

  1. 13:30-13:45
    演題:Groundwaters and deep-seated fluid circulation around Aso Volcano, Southwest Japan, revealed by multivariate statistical analysis of the geochemical data
    著者:○Hikaru IWAMORI、Hitomi NAKAMURA・Noritoshi MORIKAWA・Masaaki TAKAHASHI・Akihiko INAMURA (AIST)、Satoru HARAGUCHI、Tatsuji NISHIZAWA (Mt. Fuji Res. Inst.)、Shuhei SAKATA
    要旨:Groundwater geochemistry and its statistical analyses revealed how fluids of shallow and deep origins cycle in Aso Volcano and from a subducted slab beneath central Kyushu.
  2. 13:45-14:00
    演題:Extraction of P-S converted waves from teleseismic P-wave microseisms
    著者:○加藤翔太・西田 究
    要旨:We developed the source deconvolution method to extract P-S waves converted beneath receivers from teleseismic P-wave microseisms.
  3. 14:00-14:15
    演題:Single-station seismic event classification based on a modified deep embedded clustering architecture and its application to Harrison County, Eastern Ohio
    著者:○Jeffrey CHURCH、Dongdong YAO (China University of Geosciences)、Yihe HUANG (University of Michigan)、Zefeng LI (University of Science and Technology of China)
    要旨:We recast the problem of classifying tectonic and anthropogenic waveforms as a clustering problem, thereby avoiding the labor of creating a large labeled dataset.


〒113-0032 東京都文京区弥生1-1-1 
東京大学地震研究所 共同利用担当

※次回の談話会は令和5年2月17日(金) 午後1時30分~です。