Friday Seminar (7 June 2024) Cedric TWARDZIK (Geoazur)

Title: Assessing the Impact of Very Early Postseismic Slip on Fault Slip Budget


Earthquakes are very often, if not always, followed by a relaxation phase, the post-seismic phase. During this time, the fault continues to slip both seismically and aseismically, contributing to the overall earthquake slip budget. Since the intensity of the post-seismic phase is known to decrease exponentially with time, monitoring the very early stage of the post-seismic phase is key to an accurate assessment of the fault slip budget. To access the first hours of the post-seismic phase, we have adopted an innovative processing strategy for the GNSS data to obtain position time series with high temporal resolution (30 seconds) and starting from 5 minutes after the earthquakes. In this talk, I will first give an overview of the results we have obtained from the analysis of the very early stage of the post-seismic phase, with a focus on how this affects the estimation of the fault slip budget. Then I will present the project that motivates my 3-month visit to the ERI.