Date publishedTitle
2024/12/4 Segmented trapdoor fault in a submarine caldera revealed with milli-meter tsunami waveform record
2024/10/30 Successive tsunamigenic events near Sofu Seamount inferred from high-frequency teleseismic P and regional T waves
2024/2/26 Detectability analysis of very low frequency earthquakes: Methods and application in Nankai using F-net and DONET broadband seismometers
2024/1/19 Largest aftershock nucleation driven by afterslip during the 2014 Iquique sequence
2024/1/16 <strong>Quantifying magma overpressure beneath a submarine caldera: A mechanical modeling approach to tsunamigenic trapdoor faulting near Kita-Ioto Island, Japan</strong>
2023/12/4 A review of shallow slow earthquakes along the Nankai Trough
2023/11/10 Locating tectonic tremors with uncertainty estimates: Time- and amplitude-difference optimization, wave propagation-based quality control, and Bayesian inversion
2023/11/6 Origins of the tsunami following the 2023 Turkey–Syria earthquake
2023/10/27 Detection of Low-Frequency Tremors in Paper Records from About 50 Years Ago Based on Artificial Intelligence
2023/3/13 Layered Evolution of the Oceanic Lithosphere Beneath the Japan Basin, the Sea of Japan
2023/3/6 Muon Imaging of Volcanic Conduit Explains Link between Eruption Frequency and Ground Deformation
2022/10/19 Source mechanism of volcanic earthquakes causing disproportionately large tsunamis: Trapdoor faulting in the submarine Sumisu caldera, south of Japan
2022/6/29 Detailed S-wave velocity structure of sediment and crust off Sanriku, Japan by a new analysis method for distributed acoustic sensing data using a seafloor cable and seismic interferometry
2022/4/28 Performance of Seismic Observation by Distributed Acoustic Sensing Technology Using a Seafloor Cable Off Sanriku, Japan
2022/3/29 Spatiotemporal variations of shallow very low frequency earthquake activity southeast off the Kii Peninsula, along the Nankai Trough, Japan
2022/3/25 Décollement geometry controls on shallow Very Low Frequency Earthquakes
2022/2/16 On the performance of position-domain sidereal filter for 30-sec kinematic GPS to mitigate multipath errors
2022/1/18 Precise aftershock distribution of the 2019 Yamagata‑oki earthquake using newly developed simple anchored‑buoy ocean bottom seismometers and land seismic stations
2021/12/20 Determination of the source parameters of the 2011 Tohoku‑Oki earthquake from three‑component pre‑P gravity signals recorded by dense arrays in Japan
2021/11/5 Limited impact of anisotropic thermal conductivity in the mantle wedge on the slab temperature in the Tohoku subduction zone, Northeast Japan
2021/9/24 Lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary beneath the Sea of Japan from transdimensional inversion of S-receiver functions
2021/8/3 Development of a Compact Broadband Ocean-Bottom Seismometer
2021/7/16 Construction of deep-learning model (convolutional neural network) to detect deep low-frequency tremors from seismic waveform images
2021/7/5 Electrical Resistivity Structure Around the Atotsugawa Fault, Central Japan, Revealed by a New 2-D Inversion Method Combining Wideband-MT and Network-MT Data Sets
2021/7/1 Real-Time Tsunami Data Assimilation of S-net Pressure Gauge Records during the 2016 Fukushima Earthquake
2021/6/21 Evolution of aseismic slip rate along plate boundary faults before and after megathrust earthquakes
2021/6/4 Phase prediction method for pattern formation in time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau dynamics for kinetic Ising model without a priori assumptions of domain patterns
2021/5/28 Improved 3-D P Wave Azimuthal Anisotropy Structure Beneath the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Japan: New Interpretations of the Dual Subduction System Revealed by Seismic Anisotropy
2021/3/23 Cabled seafloor seismic and tsunami observation systems are ideal for marine geophysical
2021/2/15 Harmonic tremor model during the 2011 Shinmoe-dake eruption, Japan
2021/2/10 Diffusion creep of diopside
2021/2/4 Conjugate faulting and structural complexity on the young fault system associated with the 2000 Tottori earthquake
2021/1/4 Inversion of Longer‐Period OBS Waveforms for P Structures in the Oceanic Lithosphere and Asthenosphere
2020/11/20 The generation of large earthquakes
2020/11/10 Regional probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment associated with active faults along the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan
2020/9/11 Comprehensive detection of very low frequency earthquakes off the Hokkaido and Tohoku Pacific coasts, northeastern Japan
2020/9/1 Marine Sediment Characterized by Ocean-Bottom Fiber-Optic Seismology
2020/8/7 Overpressured Underthrust Sediment in the Nankai Trough Forearc Inferred From Transdimensional Inversion of High‐Frequency Teleseismic Waveforms
2020/7/2 Stress loading and the occurrence of normal-type earthquakes under Boso Peninsula, Japan
2020/6/10 Centroid moment tensor inversions of offshore earthquakes using a three-dimensional velocity structure model: slip distributions on the plate boundary along the Nankai Trough
2020/4/30 Collaborative research with GNS and Chorus on fault zone study at Tolaga Bay
2020/3/9 Deep Low-Frequency Earthquakes Associated With the Eruptions of Shinmoe-dake in Kirishima Volcanoes
2020/3/6 Comprehensive detection of very low frequency earthquakes off the Hokkaido and Tohoku Pacific coasts, northeastern Japan
2020/1/9 Characteristics of seismic activity before and after the 2018 M6.7 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake
2020/1/7 Migrations and Clusters of Shallow Very Low Frequency Earthquakes in the Regions Surroundings Stress Accumulation Peaks along the Nankai Trough
2019/11/8 Structural Characteristics of the Nankai Trough Shallow Plate Boundary Inferred From Shallow Very Low Frequency Earthquakes
2019/10/30 Muographic Observation System used for imaging a magmatic plug in Sakurajima volcano
2019/10/10 Possible slow slip event beneath the Kii Peninsula, southwest Japan, inferred from historical tilt records in 1973
2019/10/4 Seasonal Variations in Crustal Seismicity in San‐in District, Southwest Japan
2019/7/8 Robust Stress Drop Estimates of Potentially Induced Earthquakes in Oklahoma: Evaluation of Empirical Green's Function
2019/5/9 The 2015 Gorkha Earthquake: Earthquake Reflection Imaging of the Source Fault and Connecting Seismic Structure With Fault Slip Behavior
2019/3/18 Earthquake-induced prompt gravity signals identified in dense array data in Japan
2019/3/12 Stress change before and after the 2011 M9 Tohoku-oki earthquake
2019/3/6 Beyond Receiver Functions: Green's Function Estimation by Transdimensional Inversion and Its Application to OBS Data
2019/2/26 Gravity and Geoid Changes by the 2004 and 2012 Sumatra Earthquakes from Satellite Gravimetry and Ocean Altimetry
2019/2/19 Temporal variation in the resistivity structure of the first Nakadake crater, Aso volcano, Japan, during the magmatic eruptions from November 2014 to May 2015, as inferred by the ACTIVE electromagnetic monitoring system
2019/2/15 Source fault model of the 2018 Mw 5.6 northern Osaka earthquake, Japan, inferred from the aftershock sequence
2019/2/12 Geometrical dependence on the stress and slip tendency acting on the subduction megathrust of the Nankai seismogenic zone off Kumano
2019/1/9 A High-Resolution Underwater Gravity Measurement System aboard an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
2018/10/2 Location of localized liquefaction in Fushimi during the 1854 Iga-Ueno earthquake
2018/9/11 The 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake【QE】
2018/9/4 The condition of eruption column collapse: Part 1. A reference model based on analytical solutions/Part 2. Three‐dimensional (3D) numerical simulations of eruption column dynamics
2018/7/10 Numerical simulation of plate subduction and water transport
2018/6/27 Development of a Slow Earthquake Database
2018/5/21 Soil–Building Interaction Analysis with Nearby Water Body, Based on an Input Wavefield
2018/5/17 Migration of Deep Low-Frequency Tremor Triggered by Teleseismic Earthquakes in the Southwest Japan Subduction Zone
2018/3/19 Understanding the plume dynamics of explosive super-eruptions
2018/3/14 Variability of the Space-Time Evolution of Slow Slip Events Off the Boso Peninsula, Central Japan, From 1996 to 2014
2018/2/27 Strength of tremor patches along deep transition zone of a megathrust
2018/2/20 Temporal activity modulation of deep very low frequency earthquakes in Shikoku, southwest Japan
2018/1/4 Determination of Intrinsic Attenuation in the Oceanic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System
2017/12/18 Measurement of the multi-TeV neutrino interaction cross-section with IceCube using Earth absorption
2017/11/29 Continuous seismic monitoring of Nishinoshima volcano, Izu‑Ogasawara, by using long‑term ocean bottom seismometers
2017/11/13 Grain growth prediction based on data assimilation by implementing 4DVar on multi-phase-field model
2017/11/1 Receiver function images of the distorted Philippine Sea slab contact with the continental crust: Implications for generation of the 1891 Nobi earthquake (Mj 8.0)
2017/9/4 Seismic wavefield imaging of long-period ground motion in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan
2017/8/21 Heterogeneity of direct aftershock productivity of the main shock rupture
2017/8/8 ERI student was introduced on "Campus TV"
2017/8/8 Sakura Science Program finished
2017/1/10 Heterogeneous mantle anisotropy and fluid upwelling: implication for generation of the 1891 Nobi earthquake
2016/12/28 Seismic wavefield imaging based on the replica exchangeMonte Carlo method
2016/11/18 Data assimilation for massive autonomous systems based on a second-order adjoint method
2016/10/21 Reconstruction of a 2D seismic wavefield by seismic gradiometry
2016/9/5 Two types of volcanic tremor changed with eruption style during 1986 Izu-Oshima eruption
2016/9/1 Accelerated nucleation of the 2014 Iquique, Chile Mw 8.2 Earthquake
2016/8/29 Geometric effect on a laboratory-scale wavefield inferred from a three-dimensional numerical simulation
2016/8/19 Foreshock migration preceding the 2016 Mw 7.0 Kumamoto earthquake, Japan
2016/7/15 Connecting slow earthquakes to huge earthquakes
2016/7/6 Seismological evidence of an active footwall shortcut thrust in the Northern Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line derived by the aftershock sequence of the 2014 M 6.7 Northern Nagano earthquake
2016/6/21 Differential Monte Carlo method for computing seismogram envelopes and their partial derivatives
2016/6/15 Constraining the source location of the 30 May 2015 (Mw 7.9) Bonin deep-focus earthquake using seismogram envelopes of high-frequency P waveforms: Occurrence of deep-focus earthquake at the bottom of a subducting slab
2016/6/14 Ocean-influenced Rayleigh waves from outer-rise earthquakes and their effects on durations of long-period ground motion
2016/3/31 Morphological evolution of a new volcanic islet sustained by compound lava flows
2016/3/11 Slow slip event within a gap between tremor and locked zones in the Nankai subduction zone
2016/1/7 Cascading elastic perturbation in Japan due to the 2012 Mw 8.6 Indian Ocean earthquak
2016/1/7 Triggered Tectonic Tremor in Various Types of Fault Systems of Japan Following the 2012 Mw8.6 Sumatra Earthquake
2015/12/11 Real-time infrasonic monitoring of the eruption at a remote island volcano using seismoacoustic cross correlation
2015/12/1 Spectrometry of the Earth using Neutrino Oscillations
2015/6/29 Imaging crust and upper mantle beneath Mount Fuji, Japan, by receiver functions
2015/5/8 Migrating tremor off southern Kyushu as evidence for slow slip of a shallow subduction interface
2015/4/7 A 100-m Fabry–Pérot Cavity with Automatic Alignment Controls for Long-Term Observations of Earth’s Strain
2014/8/28 Traveltime delay and initial phase reversal of distant tsunamis coupled with the self-gravitating elastic Earth
2014/7/4 Mapping pressurized volcanic fluids from induced crustal seismic velocity drops
2014/6/20 Changbaishan volcanism in northeast China linked to subduction-induced mantle upwelling
2014/4/25 Li-loaded directionally sensitive detector for possible geo-neutrinograohic imaging applications
2014/1/6 New compact ocean bottom cabled seismometer system deployed in the Japan Sea
2013/10/17 Olivine crystals align during diffusion creep of Earth’s upper mantle
2013/10/15 Precursory activity and evolution of the 2011 eruption of Shinmoe-dake in Kirishima volcano-insights from ash samples-
2013/7/11 Ground deformation cycles in a magma-effusive stage, and sub-Plinian and Vulcanian eruptions at Kirishima volcanoes, Japan.
2013/7/11 An aeromagnetic survey of Shinmoe-dake volcano, Kirishima, Japan, after the 2011 eruption using an unmanned autonomous helicopter
2013/6/3 Time and Space Distribution of Coseismic Slip of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake as Inferred from Tsunami Waveform Data
2013/5/27 Global propagation of body waves revealed by cross-correlation analysis of seismic hum
2013/5/16 Syneruptive deep magma transfer and shallow magma remobilization during the 2011 eruption of Shinmoe-dake, Japan -Constraints from melt inclusions and phase equilibria experiments-
2013/2/28 Effects of a revised rate- and state-dependent friction law on aftershock triggering model
2013/2/28 Earthquake cycle simulation with a revised rate- and state-dependent friction law
2012/12/28 Regional extent of the large coseismic slip zone of the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake delineated by on-fault aftershocks
2012/12/6 Enigmatic very low frequency tremors beneath the Shonai Plain in northeastern Japan
2012/10/18 Subduction of oceanic asthenosphere: Evidence from sub-slab seismic anisotropy
2012/10/10 New detection of tremor triggered in Hokkaido, northern Japan by the 2004 Sumatra–Andaman Earthquake
2012/10/10 Decade-scale decrease in b value prior to the M9-class 2011 Tohoku and 2004 Sumatra quakes
2012/10/8 Depth-dependent mode of tremor migration beneath Kii Peninsula, Nankai subduction zone
2012/8/10 Tsunami source of the 2010 Menawai, Indonesia earthquake inferred from tsunami field survey and waveform modeling
2012/7/18 Seismic imaging of magma chamber beneath an active volcano